Green Acre Compost
Feed your soil

More compost at a better price

Compost answers your demanding plant nutritional needs

Plant nutritional needs

Enriches soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and pests. Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material.

Compost Nutrients

Most gardeners don’t start with great soil. Whether yours is hard and compacted, sandy, stony, heavy, or wet, adding compost will improve its texture, water-holding capacity, and fertility. Your soil will gradually become fluffy and brown—the ideal home for healthy plants.

Even if you are lucky enough to have great soil, you can’t expect that soil to remain rich and productive without replenishing the nutrients that are consumed each growing season. 

Compost plant nutrients
Compost fertilizer plant health

Green Acre Compost Spreading

Green Acre compost is something that you can easily apply to your lawn, garden and crops to help them flourish.  Remember, compost helps your plants take up the nutrients they need.  This is extremely important with our areas soil.  Depending on the size of your pickup or trailer, it may require multiple trips to obtain enough compost.  We can save you time,  transportation expense, and wear on your vehicle by delivering fresh compost to your site.

The average size lawn will require 3 cubic yards for the recommended 1/4 inch coverage. A 1/2 ton pickup can carry 1/2 cubic yard requiring 6 trips to cover that area. A 3/4 or 1 ton pickup can carry 1 cubic yard of compost requiring 3 trips to the Green Acre compost site.

Once your compost is acquired it must be unloaded and spread evenly over the entire area.  Your compost can be spread with a shovel either by throwing/slinging the compost or shaking it off of the shovel, or unloading small piles over the general area and then raking it around evenly. 

Recommended coverage is 1/4 inch.  Allow Green Acre Compost to deliver your compost so that you can apply an even consistent layer of Organic Compost to your plants resulting in even consistent growth.

The single application of one layer of compost fulfills between 50 and 100 percent of the annual fertilizing needs of your lawn. Compost is the only slow-releasing soil amendment containing all of the necessary nutrients to maintain balanced levels of the following:

  • Macro-elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
  • Micro-elements: iron, sulfur, and manganese
  • Oligo-elements: copper and boron.

The microorganisms present in compost will transform the thatch (the layer of dead plant material in the grass) into an organic matter that will be absorbed by the lawn.  This is very important if you mulch rather than bag.